Why Coolical?

Well, I called this website Coolical.com because its real cool :D One day when I was thinking that something was cool I was like"that's radical,no COOLICAL!"Yah I'm just cool(wierd)like that.=p So I just thought I'd make a website, I was just bored,and I thought it might be COOLICAL!


I like sunshine,it's.........sunny! =DYou should like sunshine,it's COOLICAL! Ha!Here  in California(which is where I live) we have a lot of sunshine,it's, like always sunny. Which I absolutley love! Well,go have fun under the sun,k?

About My OJD:D

Well, I thought you should know that I have OJD (Obsessive Jonas Disorder). I love the Jonas Brothers! You should love them too, they're awsome! I love their music,and I love them.=D If you love the Jonas Brothers then go to the Jonas Brothers section of my website otherwise known as my favorite part of this website! Do you have OJD? Tell me about you OJD on comments,or just comment me about anything,kk?